Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Tuesday Run Not So Happy

Today started out much better than yesterday. I remembered my ipod and my water, and also charged my Garmin last night.  I had my normal pre-run breakfast of a banana in the car on the way to work. I think I mentioned yesterday that my shortest commute is about 90 minutes each way.

I made it to my destination by 6:30 AM, so I felt I could get a nice long run in without feeling stressed for time.  I ran in a neighborhood near the Y that is unfamiliar to me. I am "directionally challenged", and I am always worried that I will get lost. I have to keep telling myself that if that happens, surely I will keep running till I find a familiar street. 

Almost everytime I run, some part of my legs does not want to function for the first couple of miles. After getting those two miles down, it becomes much more fun and I feel like I could run for hours. 

Today things did not go as planned. After about a mile I came upon (or rather they came upon me) two small dogs that were very upset that I was on their street and would not leave me alone. They were barking like crazy!  They were some sort of Chihuahua/Terrier mix, but they were bigger than a normal Chihuahua. Even small dogs with teeth snarling can be a bit intimidating. I threw a stick at them and yelled for them to go home. As I kept running, they finally gave up.

At 1.88 miles (exactly :)), I got extremely weak and felt that I wanted to give up right there.  I cannot remember the last time that has happened. I was almost shaking. Fortunately I was able to keep running at a slow pace of about 11 minutes and made it back to the Y with a total of 3.2 miles.  I quickly ate a protein bar and then did some weight training and floor exercises.

To top off my great experience this morning, there was no hot water in the showers at the Y.  On the plus side, my speedy cold shower helped me get to work more timely...

I am not sure what caused the craziness this morning. I had a normal dinner last night and got plenty of sleep. I normally can go for at least an hour before eating anything after a run.  I ran a 10k race a few weeks ago and didn't eat anything for a couple of hours. 

At least there's always tomorrow to try it again. I'm trying to keep my chin up as I eat my third breakfast of yogurt, fresh strawberries and Bob's Red Mill Meusli (the best thing ever to add to yogurt btw). 

I am proud to say that my DH, Jerry, is now motivated to run as well.  He completed just over 3 miles on the treadmill this morning! Go Jerry!
How did your run go today? Have you ever had a similar experience?

Thanks for reading! Follow my journey at www.Run2BeHappy.blogspot.com or Run2BeHappy on the Bloglovin' app for iphone users!

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